It’s not just men who pay for sex. Although the majority of escorts are female, there are increasing numbers of male escorts who are making a lucrative living. While there are copious amounts of research on male interactions with companions, there has been very little on females who seek the services of male escorts. The last ten years have seen an increasing trend in woman paying for sexual services. These are women who want to take ownership of their bodies and sexual pleasure.
WHY IS IT TABOO FOR WOMEN TO PAY FOR SEX?Ryan James is a Male Escort worker who was interviewed by the Daily Mail Australia. Mr James said that ‘there is definitely still a stigma about women seeing escorts.’ Most women want to keep their affair with an escort secret, but James states some women are happy to share their experiences.
WHY ARE WOMEN PAYING FOR SEX?There are a variety of reasons women are paying for sex. In a Sydney Morning Herald article entitled “Why Do Women Pay for Sex?”, some of the reasons stated for this relatively new phenomenon include: According to the SMH “It’s easier and more convenient than going to a club or bar.” (Not to mention safer). Another reason the SMH believes contributing to women paying for sex is that “professional women with high disposable incomes can be too busy for a relationship.” They are seeking no-strings affairs which are discrete and fit in with their hectic lifestyle. Often professional women who require ‘dates’ for events book escorts as companions to functions. Financially secure such women may fork out for weekends or extended sessions with escorts. Widowed or recently divorced women may find the dating scene overwhelming and wants companionship and sex without the hassle of having to put themselves on the dating merry-go-round.
DO WE NEED MORE SEX EDUCATION?The crux of the matter and one of the primary reasons women are seeking the services of male escorts is that both males and females often have had little sex education whether this is theoretical or experiential. Both females and males do not know how to communicate with their sexual partners correctly to be fully sexually satisfied. Other than this men and women’s inability to communicate what it is that they sexually want and need because they don’t know what it is that they do want and need to have intimate meaningfully relations with their sexual partners.
Male Escorts provide not only sex but education, teaching women about their bodies, sexuality and what ultimately turn them on. Of course not all woman need ‘training’, but some Escorts have described themselves as life coaches, reinvigorating women’s confidence and restoring a sense of womanliness and wholeness that some women had just not been able to get from their boyfriends, husbands or partners.
WHAT DO WOMEN WANT?For the most part, women want to be satisfied completely. They want the focus to be on them. That is not only physically but also on an emotional level whether this be through simple companionship and talking or whether experimenting with and escort sexually.
Escorts offer a discrete service which is respectful of clients privacy and private life. They offer no strings ‘relationships’ which appeal to many.